Bad Dragon!! Lay Down!178 views
Hodir Defeated!232 viewsThe <Archon> raiders pose with Hodir's cache after the guild's first kill
Shade Defeated223 viewsUF Raiders survey the devastation after their first Shade of Aran kill
Anub Slain!196 viewsThe raiders pose after their recent defeat of Anub'rakhan in ToC 10
Death of Illhoof203 viewsThe Raiders of Karazhan pose with their most recent victim, Terestian Illhoof
Medivh vs. The Dragon222 viewsOne of the ghostly apparitions of the haunted tower
Spider Boss219 viewsThe Archon Raid team poses with their first victim: the spider boss in Naxx
Instructor Razuvious200 viewsAfter several tries, the raid team stands victorious over the body of the Death Knight trainer in Naxx
Patchwerk Slain!201 viewsThe Archon raiders pose with the corpse of Patchwerk
King of the Ogres247 viewsFinally, I have minions again!
Sartharion Slain!276 viewsThe Archon raid team gathers around the corpse of Sartharion after their first successful kill.
Marrowgar Defeated!294 viewsThe Archon raiders pose in front of the shattered bones of Lord Marrowgar, the first of the Lich King's henchman to meet his doom.
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